The Dichotomy Of Dermal Fillers: When Does The Biostimulatory Response Become One Of Regeneration Versus One Of Replacement?

The Dichotomy of Dermal Fillers When Does The Biostimulatory Response Become One Of Regeneration Versus One Of Replacement

Since the advent of injectable dermal fillers, the quest for the perfect filler has been a lofty goal. The perfect filler would integrate smoothly into tissue, cause minimal oedema and inflammation, be easily reversible, be devoid of any type of foreign body response, be non-allergenic, be stable and predictable, breaking down into to nonimmunogenic particles and be naturally absorbed or dissolved without incident. Unfortunately, such a filler does not exist. Since the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) approval of injectable bovine collagen in the early 1980s, dozens of injectable filling agents have been developed; but history has taught us that new technologies must be used with care because complications can occur, sometimes many years after treatment (Kontis and Rivkin, 2009).


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